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CIC™ Integral Rolls

Hyperion CIC integral rolls for hot rolling

Hyperion Code: CIC-Integral

Description: Fully integrated roll. A tungsten carbide layer bonded to a cast iron arbor without locking or clamping mechanisms. 

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Technical Details


Hyperion Materials & Technologies' CIC™ integral rolls provide the strongest design available for the early and intermediate stands in your mill. 

They are best suited for the highest rolling torque and force and low rolling speeds, even below 1 m/sec. The cast iron arbor and the cemented tungsten carbide rings are cast and machined in one solid piece, with no keys, no keyways, and no locking nut. This permits torque transmission higher than that of conventional combi rolls. Also, because there is no locking device that takes up space, more passforms are available for productive hot rolling.

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Hyperion's product specialists are available to help you determine the best solution for all your hot rolling needs.