cBNMesh Metal Bond Systems

cBNMesh Metal Bond

Hyperion code: cBN M6 

Grading: Mesh/FEPA 

Description: CBN crystals combined with metal bonds maintain a long useful tool life with a reduction in the frequency of dressing. It is often used for grinding wheels and on tools of ferrous materials, carbide, ceramics, and quartz. 

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cBNMesh Metal bonds tools contain overall utility and maintain a long useful life with a reduction in the frequency of dressing. Metal bonds with high abrasion resistance, good crystal retention, and high thermal conductivity prevent thermal damage on the workpiece and perform best in operations under flood coolant. Sintered by powdered metals and other components with CBN (Cubic Boron Nitride), metal bonds produce an extremely strong product that holds its shape. 

CBN materials in combination with metal bonds are often used for grinding wheels and tools of ferrous materials, carbide, ceramics, and quartz. Other common applications include LCD glass, car windows glass, carbide drills, and end-mills. Unlike resin and vitrified bond tools, metal bond tools cannot be removed to release dull grit and expose new edges. 

At Hyperion Materials & Technologies, we develop and supply our cBNMesh offering to cover a variety of tool applications with a wide range of sizes and strengths. The cBNMesh range incorporates a variety of shapes, each tailored to suit a particular application. The color of the CBN particles is a function of the synthesis process and the raw materials used. 

cBN M6 

cBN M6 is a black, blocky, strong option preferable to honing applications capable of meeting the demanding high surface finish required. 

cBNMesh Chart.jpg

This product line is an expansion of our Hyperion Materials & Technologies Ireland offerings helping you find the right fit for your tool application. Contact your local Hyperion salesperson for expertise in selecting the mesh CBN best suited to solve your needs. 

Hyperion also manufactures a range of micron CBN powders and micron diamond powders as well as high quality mesh diamonds. 

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