Can Solutions - Partnership

Hyperion Materials & Technologies in partnership with Lieb Performance Systems (LPS) is actively supporting the can manufacturing industry to improve and develop the can, tool design, and process to increase line efficiencies and reduce spoilage.  We partner with you to create solutions for your can tooling needs through material development, can and tool design, can lightweighting, and plant audits.

Can Tool and Design


We provide support to define the best can and tool design combination for each customer's requirements.

Can Design

Blank and Cup Design

  • Optimized cut edge diameter
  • Optimized cup design
  • Full new design or design adapted to current equipment.


Body Design

  • Ironing progression sketches
  • Dome profile
  • Reform setup
  • Trimmed can.


Tool Design

  • Cupper tooling
  • Bodymaker tooling: assembly and detailed
  • Tooling progression and tool chart
  • Necker tooling and pin heights.


Can Lightweighting

The can manufacturing industry is globally challenged to create lightweight cans and improve efficiencies. Hyperion assists can makers in the choice and development of a lightweighting project that:

  • Fits your budget (Investment)
  • Provides best efficiency (wide “Windows of Runability”).


If "Windows of Runability" are identified and managed, plant efficiency should not be affected by downgauging or machine speed up programs. Here are some examples:

Cut Edge

  • Optimized for current and future down gauge needs.


Cup Size and Cupper Tool Geometry

  • Larger cup diameter: optimized forming radii and optimized tool match-gaps.


Bodymaker Machine Tool Geometry

  • Redraw sleeve and redraw die geometry: optimized forming radii, nose taper, outside diameter (OD), etc.
  • Punch sleeve geometry: smaller topwall step and optimized first point of ironing in the third die and surface finish.


Bodymaker Machine Toolpack Progression

  • Set redraw gap properly to new cup top wall
  • Keep the third die reduction under 41%.


Dome Profile Design

  • Reduce wrinkles
  • Meet the dome reversal pressure (DRP) and drop specifications.


Cup & Can Handling

  • Improve so as to not damage the new thinner cups and can sidewalls.


Necker Setup

  • Have correct number of stages for can topwall thickness to reduce spoilage
  • Tool design: throat to match can OD, match-gaps to match topwall, and improved design to reduce spoilage
  • Add inside reformer if needed for new starter gauge.


Depending on how lightweighting process is achieved, can line performance is strongly affected:

If we do it Wrong: If we do it Right:
We create narrow windows of runability We create large windows of runability

•       Leave unnecessary metal in the can

•       Increase the risk of bodymaker machine tearoffs

•       Increase risk of higher neck spoilage

•       Increase risk of dome squat causing flange width and neck spoilage issues

•       DRP, drop, and axial load issues

•       Wrinkled dome issues.

We reduce line performance!

•       Lighter weight optimized can

•       Tear-off rates lower than those prior to light weighting

•       Maintain good can specifications for DRP, drop, and axial load

•       Maintain dome squat values equal to or better than those before light weighting.

We improve line performance!


Plant Audit

  • We support can manufacturers in this process through on-site training for drawn and wall ironed (D&I) can process, plant audits, and problem-solving support.


Contact your Hyperion salesperson for additional can tooling solutions information.

Did you know you can recycle your cemented carbide with Hyperion?  Visit our recycling page or contact us for details.


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